FO Cashflow Forecast

FO Cashflow Forecast

Cash is king. Investments and lifestyle assets tie up cash. Understanding your likely cash position based on planned future investments or disposals, Private Equity estimated cashflows, family business funding requirements, etc is a sensible approach

Creating a 12 month rolling cashflow forecast can be done manually in Excel. Alternatively the bulk of the Data is known, it is held in the Wealth Management system (bond and interest income, estimated dividends, PE distributions, commitments) or in the Monthly Management Accounts and / or Annual Budgets for Lifestyle Assets, Family Expenditure. This accelerator provides the bulk of the forecast from already held Data. The unkown Data can be added ... Principal plans to sell a property in 6 months time and a buy a yacht in 9 months 

Stay ahead of the game with a 12 month rolling cashflow forecast 

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